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by Antti Nissilä

For sound clips and sheet music, click the titles!

Go to: Symphony orchestra /  Wind band & big band / Choirs / Solo voice  / Opera / Chamber music / For young musicians / Pop songs

Symphony orchestra
Ongang FREE DOWNLOAD (score)
for large symphony orchestra 3242-4431-14-11-strings
commissioned and performed by Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra (John Storgårds, cond)
All In Jollity FREE DOWNLOAD (score)
for small symphony orchestra 2222-2221-2-strings
first performance by Avanti (Magnus Lindberg, cond.)
(Sannäs workshop / Suvisoitto, Porvoo)
for small symphony orchestra 2131-1221-14-1-strings
published by A-Minor Production
performed by Pori Sinfonietta (Jan Söderblom, cond.)
for full orchestra - youth / amateur level
published by A-Minor Production
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Wind band & big band
for concert band - grade 3,5
Runner-up prize at the 2020 composing contest of SMP Press and Edition Peters
commissioned by Rauma Boys' Band
published by A-Minor Production
Listen on YouTube
Cave Dance
for wind band - grade 4
published by A-Minor Production
Fair Day
for violin and concert band - grade 4
2nd prize at Finnish Wind Band Association's composing contest
published by A-Minor Production
Listen on YouTube
Finem lauda
concert march for wind band - grade 2
commissioned by wind band Puhallica
published by STM Music
concert march for wind band - grade 2,5
published by Blosari Edition
for concert band - grade 3
commissioned by Valkeakoski Wind Band
published by STM Music
Intrada ("Opening Gates") - grade 2,5
for wind band
published by STM Music
Jungle Book Songs
for barytone voice and concert band - grade 4
lyrics by Rudyard Kipling
published by A-Minor Production
Morning Call
Song Against People
for wind band - grade 3
published by A-Minor Production
for wind band - grade 3
dedicated to Musikverein Jung St. Marien
published by STM Music
On the Shores of Ruija
for wind band - grade 2,5
published by STM Music
for wind band - grade 2,5
commissioned by Ikaalinen Youth Orchestra
published by STM Music
for wind band - grade 3
published by Blosari Edition
Listen on YouTube
Total Rangers
for wind band - grade 2,5
published by Blosari Edition
Tower on the Hill
for concert band - grade 3
published by A-Minor Production
Waltzing Whale
for wind band- grade 3
published by STM Music
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Rhythm music for wind band /big band
Casino Beach
for wind band - grade 3
commissioned by Ikaalinen Youth Orchestra
published by STM Music
Listen on YouTube
for wind band - grade 2,5
commissioned by Outokumpu Wind Band
published by A-Minor Production
First Round
for wind band - grade 2,5
published by Edition 7
for wind band - grade 2,5
published by STM Music
Flying High
version for big band with vocals
lyrics by Turo Vartiainen
published by A-Minor Production
Lost Magic
for wind band- grade 3
published by SPOL
Nil Nil
for wind band- grade 2,5
digital publication under construction
Toe Drops
for wind band- grade 2,5
published by STM Music
Trumpet Flares (Trumpettilahkeet)
for wind band- grade 2,5
published by STM Music
Whistle in the Dark
for wind band - grade 2,5
published by STM Music
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Junior band music
Dragon Hunt
for junior wind band- grade 2-
published by STM Music
Hot Sand
for junior wind band- grade 2-
published by STM Music
Jorpakon legenda
for beginning junior wind band - grade 1
published by STM Music 
Just For Fun
for beginning junior wind band - grade 1,5
published by Blosari Edition
No Man's Land
for junior wind band - grade 2-
published by STM Music
Off Track
for junior wind band - grade 2-
published by A-Minor Production
Prairie Wind (Preeriatuuli)
for beginning junior wind band- grade 1
published by STM Music
Rhino Ride
for beginning junior wind band- grade 1
published by STM Music
The McOgres Are Back (Örkendalien paluu)
for beginning junior wind band- grade 1
published by STM Music
Torch Ballade (Soihtuballadi)
for junior wind band - grade 2-
published by STM Music
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Choir music
A Little Night Music
original version for SATB, strings and piano
commissioned by Pirkanpojat
A Little Night Music
reduced version for SATB and piano
3 Astronomical Intermezzi FREE DOWNLOAD
from A Little Night Music
How I Wonder 
Twelve Gates
Ball of Plasma
Katoava aika
for mixed choir and orchestra
lyrics by Pia Perkiö
Choir songs in classical style:
for mixed choir 
Flowers Preach
for treble choir
lyrics by Christina Rossetti
1st prize at Laulunuotta composition contest
published by SULASOL
Listen on YouTube
Hiljainen Gloria
for mixed choir
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
commissioned by Vaskivuori Chamber Choir
published by SULASOL
Kuu kalpea 
for mixed choir
lyrics by Eino Leino
for mixed choir
lyrics by Aaro Hellaakoski
published by SULASOL
Nihil esse melius
for mixed choir 
lyrics from the Book of Ecclesiastes
published by SULASOL
for mixed choir
published by SULASOL
2018 version for barytone, mixed choir and piano quartet
published by A-Minor Production
2000 version (SATB a cappella)
With the Dawn  FREE DOWNLOAD!
for mixed choir
lyrics by Thomas Caulfield Irwin
commissioned by chamber choir Camena
Listen on YouTube
Choir songs in other genres:
Aalto aallon jälkeen
for male choir (with comp)
lyrics by Timo Pusa
published by STM Music
Ei mahda kukaan tietää 
for mixed choir
lyrics by Turo Vartiainen
published by SULASO
Kauvan kauvan
for male choir
lyrics by Eino Leino
commissioned by male choir Jussit
published by SULASOL
Kolme laulua mieskuorolle
lyrics by Seija Kaipio
commissioned by Tuusula Male Choir
Laulajan laulu
for female choir
lyrics by Eino Leino
published by STM Music
Metsän poika  FREE DOWNLOAD!
for mixed choir
lyrics by Aleksis Kivi
published by A-Minor Production
Omenat putoaa 
for mixed choir
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
published by SULASOL
Our Secret Melody 
for treble choir + opt. TB
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
commissioned by Sympaatti choir festival
published by SULASOL
Semmoinen nautiskelija
for female choir (with comp)
lyrics by Timo Pusa / Antti Nissilä
published by STM Music
for female choir
lyrics by Eino Leino
published by STM Music
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Solo voice (classical, semi-classical)
(pop song lead sheets can be found here!)
Jungle Book Songs
for barytone voice and concert band - grade 4
lyrics by Rudyard Kipling
published by A-Minor Production
Morning Call piano score FREE DOWNLOAD! 
Song Against People

Lagerkvist Songs
När du ler FREE DOWNLOAD! 
Du er visst lycklig
Ingenting får störa
Saliga väntan  FREE DOWNLOAD! 
Still Songs
for middle range voice, piano and strings
lyrics by Walter Alexander Raleigh
for middle range voice and piano quartet
Listen on YouTube
If Truth
lyrics by A.E. Housman
for middle range voice and piano quartet
Listen on YouTube
When I Was in Love
lyrics by A.E. Housman
for middle range voice and piano quartet
Listen on YouTube
lyrics by Kerstin Söderholm
Magnificat  FREE DOWNLOAD! 
version for solo voice and piano/organ
Pater Noster
for low or middle range voice and organ
Listen on YouTube
2018 version for barytone, mixed choir and piano quartet
2000 version for solo voice and piano (or organ)
High voice
MIddle range voice
Low voice
Songs in Finnish:
Kari Hotakaisen teksteihin
keskiäänelle, sellolle ja pianolle
(myös versio keskiäänelle, alttoviululle ja pianolle)
Tätä menoa
Keskellä kesää, tammikuussa
Lauluja Aaro Hellaakosken teksteihin
...ellet löytäisi mitään... 
Kuuntele YouTubessa
- - -
(versio laululle ja kitaralle)
Kaksi laulua Oiva Paloheimon teksteihin
teksti Antti Nissilä
Kuuntele YouTubessa
Hiljainen Gloria
teksti Antti Nissilä
Kuuntele YouTubessa
pianosäestyksellinen versio
Laulun lapsi
teksti Eino Leino
versio baritonille ja puupuhaltimille
Kuuntele YouTubessa
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chamber opera
libretto by Antti Nissilä
commissioned by Nurmes Christmas Music Festival
Listen on YouTube (excerpts)
Pyhät seinät (Holy Walls)
chamber opera
libretto by Antti Nissilä
commissioned by the town of Ikaalinen
performed at Sata-Häme Soi Festival
Listen on YouTube (excerpts)
Music for solo instruments /
Chamber music
for string quartet (or string ensemble)
commissioned by Kari Koort
for violin and piano
commissioned by Ylä-Satakunta Music School
for flute, harp and two percussionists
digital publication under construction
Front Nine
for piano
dedicated to Janne Hovi
Listen on YouTube
Gehet hin in Frieden  FREE DOWNLOAD!
for organ
dedicated to Mandi and Tuomo Lammi
for organ
Listen on YouTube
for viola and cello
for accordion, percussion and strings
published by Finnish Accordion Institute
Scena e cavatina FREE DOWNLOAD!
for alto saxophone and piano
dedicated to Juha-Matti Katajamäki
Listen on YouTube
Space Between Us 
for viola and piano
for cello and piano
for cello and piano
published by A-Minor Production
Listen on YouTube
for accordion, bass clarinet, marimba and strings
commissioned by CIA (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes)
dedicated to Kimmo Mattila
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For young musicians
for violin and piano
commissioned by Ylä-Satakunta Music School
Kankaanpää-sarja (Kankaanpää suite)
for small orchestra and vocals
commissioned by the town  of Kankaanpää
Väräjää, väräjää FREE DOWNLOAD!
for youth string orchestra
commissioned by Pirkanmaan Jouset
Listen on YouTube
Local Heroes 
version for trumpet and piano
version for alto sax and piano
"..neither silver nor gold..."
for flute and guitar
version for trumpet and piano
Ulapalla  FREE DOWNLOAD! (scan quality)
for 2 flutes and cello
commissioned by Belisa publishing
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Pop, jazz, childrens' songs etc.
A Mere Affair of Weather?  FREE DOWNLOAD!
lyrics by Robert Louis Stevenson
Comfort Food
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
Listen on YouTube
In Foreign Lands
lyrics by Robert Louis Stevenson
for vocal solo (or unison childrens' choir), piano and strings
Listen on YouTube
Midnight Snack
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
Our Secret Melody  FREE DOWNLOAD!
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
Listen on YouTube
Sanctus (lead sheet) FREE DOWNLOAD!
(for classical versions, see solo voice or choirs)
Listen on YouTube
Slowly Sliding December Days
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
Listen on YouTube
There's a Secret FREE DOWNLOAD!
lyrics by Antti Nissilä
Listen on YouTube
More to come..
Suomenkielisiä pop-lauluja ja laulelmia
(pop songs in Finnish)
Haaveet vaihtua voi haavoihin  ILMAISNUOTTI
san. Antti Nissilä
Kuuntele YouTubessa
Halki taivaan  ILMAISNUOTTI
san. Antti Nissilä
(suomenkielinen versio laulusta There's a Secret)
Kuuntele YouTubessa
Kehtolaulu ("Yön kukkamaa")  ILMAISNUOTTI
san. Pia Perkiö
Mustavalkoinen  ILMAISNUOTTI
san. Antti Nissilä
Kuuntele YouTubessa
Omenat putoaa  ILMAISNUOTTI
san. Antti Nissilä
Kuuntele YouTubessa
san. Antti Nissilä
2020 versio
san. Antti Nissilä
2001 versio
Kuuntele YouTubessa
Taivun tahtoon tuulien ILMAISNUOTTI 
san. Antti Nissilä
Vuodenajat ILMAISNUOTTI  (skannauslaatu)
(lastenlaulu, san. Pia Perkiö)
Lauluja musiikkinäytelmään Supan Tomppa
tekstit Timo Pusa, Antti Nissilä & Raija-Sinikka Rantala
tilaaja: Kotkan kaupunginteatteri
(nuotteja ja soivia näytteitä tulossa)




Aalto aallon jälkeen

version mieskuorolle kustantanut STM


Sinappi valuu


Kun sade hiipii maahan ILMAISNUOTTI


Tummana tulee ilta ILMAISNUOTTI 
Kuuntele YouTubessa




Tasan yö


Semmoinen nautiskelija

version naiskuorolle kustantanut STM




Nokka irtoaa ja pyrstö tarttuu

Ongang - Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
00:00 / 00:34
Music for wind ensembles
Symphony orchestra
Solo voice
Solo & Chamber
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